The International Workshop on e-Health in Emerging Economies - IWEEE - is a biannual congress held in Canary Islands, Spain and in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. Because of their geographical locations, Canary Islands links Africa, Europe and the Americas, while Foz do Iguaçu Brazil brings concentrates on the Latin America reality. After the success of the first edition, "The Human Factor", the slogan for the Brazilian edition this year is "e-Health for all". After all these years of technological advances, the underprivileged societies are being silenced by the greedy powerful, and the access to good health is only for the elite. All in all, over 1000 children under the age of five die every hour from preventable diseases. Some of the issues to bring up front are :
- Current efforts and role of government on e-Health IWEEE is not a pure technical conference. It will focus on the human factor and in raising awareness about the actual situation. We will discuss the tools that we can provide today to doctors and institutions to improve their habitants health and education. The workshop promotes Free Software as one of the main pillars for a sustainable framework for providing e-health and education for the developing and least developed countries. IWEEE 2010 Brazil will be held during Latinoware in Itaipu. Latinoware 2010 will present the main novelties and matters of importance in the world of open source software for Latin America.So, during these two days you will have the opportunity to go to both events, and get the latest about Free Software. There will not be parallel conferences. All delegates will be able to assist and participate in the workshops that they find of interest. Communication among delegates is key. IWEEE is a non-profit event organized by the GNU SOLIDARIO association I hope you find this event as motivating and inspiring as I do and I'm looking forward to seeing you in Foz do Iguaçu. Luis Falcón GNU Solidario |