IWEEE 2011 Europa: Momentum
Luxemburgo, 6-8 de Abril, 2011
Asociación GNU Solidario: Marcando la diferencia con Software Libre

Desde el año 2005 hemos estado involucrados en proyectos humanitarios de distinta naturaleza que tenían un común denominador : El Software Libre . Tenemos la convicción que el Software Libre, que no ata al usuario con licencias restrictivas, marca la diferencia en el éxito de los proyectos.
Nuestros puntos de interés son :
  • Salud y
  • Educación
Educación y Salud son los pilares para el desarrollo y dignidad de los pueblos.

Nos centramos en países en desarrollo, áreas rurales y zonas carenciadas de las urbes.

War Child International is a network of independent organisations, working across the world to help children affected by war.

War Child was founded upon a fundamental goal: to advance the cause of peace through investing hope in the lives of children caught up in the horrors of war.
As you read this, over 30 wars and conflicts rage around the world. Some fill our TV screens with appalling images of distress, emphasising war’s brutalising effect on man.
Many of these wars go unreported, often due to political expediency or lack of interest. They reveal a shaming pattern: Sixty million people have been killed in wars during the 20th Century. Over 80% of war casualties are now civilians - mainly women and children.
Children are amongst the first casualties of any armed conflict, always the most vulnerable and innocent of victims. In the last decade alone 1.5 million children have died in wars. Four million have been disabled and a further 10 million traumatised.
The severe psychological wounds that war inflicts on children can scar them for life, crippling the very generations that must one day rebuild their devastated countries. For the future peace of the world we must do everything in our power to help these war children.
The International Society of Telemedicine and e-Health exists to facilitate the international dissemination of knowledge and experience in Telemedicine and eHealth and to provide access to recognized experts in the field worldwide.

ISfTeH is Non-governmental and non for profit society with close ties to WHO and ITU and supports developing countries in the field of Telemedicine and e-Health, among other activities.
The European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) is a nonprofit organisation concerned with the theory and practice of Information Science and Technology within Health and Health Science in a European context. The Libre/Free Open Source Software working group (LIFOSS WG) was established in 2006 and held an inaugural workshop at MIE2006 in Maastricht. The members of the WG have a range of interests, including advocacy and promotional work, as well as projects that have specific aims, including the development and the promotion of evaluation documents of case studies into free/libre and open source software in the health and health informatics domain, and/or case studies from wider field that could be applied. While the focus is on a European context the WG works in close cooperation with FLOSS competence centers, projects and FLOSS advocates around the world to foster adoption of FLOSS in health care.
The IT Science Centre in Putbus, Germany, is a center for applied research and development in the sector of information technologies. It is an institute for computer science within the stake of the academies of the state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: University of Rostock, University for Applied Sciences of Stralsund, University of Wismar and the University of Greifswald. In its eHealth department the key areas are nursing informatics, ambient assisted living (support for elderly people in their home environment), home care with a strong focus on open source solutions
IMIA (International Medical Informatics Association) understands itself as an inclusive global association that connects groups and individuals at the leading edge of the state of the art of the field of health and biomedical informatics, within and without the IMIA community, in order to advance, develop and disseminate the (art and) science of informatics in support of health.
The IMIA OS WG is dedicated to foster the adoption of Free/Libre Open Source Software in helath care (FLOSS-HC) on a global level. The objectives of the group as developed at its formation in 2002 remain relevant, and the focus of the group remains on educational, promotional and 'evangelistic' activities to raise awareness of open source software in health care. While the group is named 'open source', our areas of interest include free/libre software and open source software (as described at in the European Commission-funded FLOSS project - see http://www.infonomics.nl/FLOSS/index.htm), and including GNU/Linux.